Blaugust 29: Learning via Email Part 2

So, after a week of having course material sent to me via email, I’m starting to feel that this style of learning isn’t really for me. This doesn’t mean that it’s not a great idea – I definitely still support and recommend Highbrow and might continue to use some of their other courses, but I don’t feel like I’m engaging with the content as I did when I had to go and log into an actual site. It’s maybe too passive for me, the emails come to my inbox and rather than making time to read them, I find myself ignoring them, then needing to catch up two or three which isn’t really how the system ought to work. I tend to study in bursts rather than every single day, it’s just what works for me.

Meanwhile, here’s a few more notes from the Creating Facebook Content course emails.

  • Dividing your content evenly into your own posts promoting your business, curated content and engagement with followers is important. Other articles I’ve read had recommended doing different percentage amount (40%, 20%, 40%, for example) so honestly I don’t think it matters that you keep it exactly even, and as in all situations it is going to depend on your business or brand and how you want to communicate/ present yourself.
  • If you are curating a lot of third-party content, it is probably a good idea to use an app like Pocket or Feedly (or similar, there are lots available) to save articles and sites for later. The course didn’t mention this but it is something I remember from various roles running social media accounts – before tweeting/posting and article or whatever, check the source site, and be sure it fits with your brand overall. This might be seen as overly cautious, but you can’t ever take anything back once it’s online.
  • Don’t just share from Facebook/Twitter to Facebook/Twitter! Use content from everywhere.
  • Plan your content well ahead of time. Decide a sort-of branding guide for the kind of third-party content that you want. Choose seasonal events and work out what you want to do around them well in advance. Of course, you need to have space to deviate from this in order to keep up with current/changing events, so this will be a rough plan with wiggle room.
  • Once you have a content plan, remember to go back over it regularly and refine it, checking that it still fits your brand and your audience.